Wednesday, May 4, 2011



If a friend calls you and asks you to take a last minute trip somewhere beautiful and there are no pressing fire to put out or things that require immediate attention, if the children can be sent to Nana's house or eat scorched pancakes with their papa



The amount of space such a trip might create in heart and mind would likely astound you,
astound even the you that sits now perched and focused on work and

Somewhere between picnics in a serviceable hotel room

Discovering the labradorescence of seaweed

And sunset conversations

there will come a moment of such happy gratitude that you're liable to burst...

gratitude that such a friendship IS

indebtedness for the riches of nature and the polishing of old ceramics
at the hands of the sea

giving credit to Adventure herself, who so generously created a space in which to meet your wonderful girlfriend and tromp about in boots, dusty skirts and wide-brimmed hats...
(watching the world stand in awe of the dear Dove's Glamazonian Sass-i-tude and runway-worthy walk was in itself a wonderment I cherish! Men stopped short, children begged to follow, women bowed....)

acknowledging an answered prayer or three
as you sigh, returning home



UmberDove said...


love you more than ever.

candacemorris said...

haaa. love that walk of kelly's.

and kudos to you, learning to walk next to it takes a woman all her own, which i always suspected of you.


Anonymous said...


love and light dreaming

BC said...

"(watching the world stand in awe of the dear Dove's Glamazonian Sass-i-tude and runway-worthy walk was in itself a wonderment I cherish! Men stopped short, children begged to follow, women bowed....)"

Oh, guffaw... as you ladies tend to say.