Time to photograph a new design, in this case a custom order for a dearly beloved return customer ( Hi, Sue!! ) when who should run up on the scene and overshadow my work? Jones. Never Jane, as she respects my space and my worktime, but Jones....he is always underfoot, always under hand, never on your lap but constantly around.
If I do something that makes a noise he comes running and gets involved. Very community oriented.
Here is an illustration of this delightful point:
In all of these pictures he is 'unaware' of me, aloof as he can be, yet the moment I walked away from the window so did he.
In five minutes he will be peacefully sleeping and as soon as I get up from this here laptop and re-enter the studio ( whose doors are understandably closed to him ) he will sit outside the door, miraculously wide awake and wail like he's at an Irish wake.
Heaven help me.
What a beautiful cat...with beautiful eyes.
Mister Jones is one handsome fellow. I have a feeling that he and Mister Clementine would be the best of pals.
Oh, Mr. Jones....you just gotta love the Fur Babies.
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