Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Magic Spells Part II

Eclipse Stone Magic Spell Earrings with Hand Cut Brass Stars, Faceted Hematite and Brass Flower Petals

The hand cut stars have seen moonlight
the flower petals have been given mighty intentions for growth and ripeness

The stones of the asymmetrical Magic Spell Earrings have had their fair share of prayers (sorry, too much Dr. Seuss as of late it would seem)
and good energy from my hands.

Sometimes I can create while feeling less than happy, but now it seems imperative to do some energy work before I even set foot in the studio.

Arizona Turquoise with brass star and long Scrubjay feather with 'protect this woman' tag


Each pair of this intentional trio has design elements unique to its pair, be it feathers, wings, petals or outrageous Southwest-steppe hand-cut and textured Fine Silver Bezel, as is the case with the turquoise. 

These pairs are palpable.
Full of my best moments, slowly wrought and built for greatness on your gorgeous ears.

I am so so so so excited to show them to you.

Dragonfly Wings from opposite ends of the country marry petals and perfectly textured sterling-dotted circle, spanning the seasons and this great continent.

A rivet and a heart sets them apart, gives you half of flight.

A little lift, if you will.

I have so much to tell you all, so many stories of baby words and 'oh-my-Goodness-what-did-we-feed-this-kid-to-deserve-that-diaper' and then the day zooms past and all I can do is watch it, slack-jawed.

I feel like a granny on a porch in some small farming town and time is a man bearing down on a century in his Porsche on my dirt road. The whoosh of speed blows my hair back and gets me a little steamed but I cannot keep from smiling. 

I've never felt better, friends but I've never felt more like seven p.m. sees me deflated every time, no matter my good intentions, never mind the meditation and fabulous exercise (start leaping in front of your babies young, they'll hang with you later, trust me) or the organic freshness we eat (I have a wonderful beef story for you soon, oh my goodness we did something right!):
I have no air by sundown


oh you should feel my heart right about then...
I wish you could see me glow- it's kind of like a sunset.

I had one more day to love people 
one more day to work hard at something that satisfies my everything
and I am rich with memories I'll have to write down soon

Lest they climb into a fast car of their own

This trinity of prayer-pair magic spells
will be in the Metal Shop


Give a holler and I'll hold a pair for you if it calls.



Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! As ALWAYS~ so magical and beautiful. And you, besides being as gorgeous as always, your inner spirit is shining so brightly:).
Hugs from the beach, Lis

pencilfox said...

these perfect bits created by your hands and your soul....i love them, and i love you.


MrsLittleJeans said...

beautiful bits indeed, and I agree that the days are not long enough... xx

Joanna DeVoe said...

Magic Spells is right!!! OMG... Soooo amazing.

emilyclare said...

your ways with stone, metal and leather are ALWAYS magical to me! such beauty too!

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