Laguna Agate, personal collection
This is what five hours of childcare on a Tuesday afternoon looks like:
love under a macro lens.
Not only did the babysitter seem to love our boy, she commented on what a calm and happy baby he was as she was leaving.
Chapinite Agate, 53mmX40mm
I got so much accomplished as I heard him giggle and coo from down the hall:
next week I hope to fire up the kiln and make some enameled pieces: this week I am focusing on lapidary and soldering.
And breathing: lots of gratitude and breathing!
with stones like this in palm, who can help but breathe?
Moctezuma Agate, 40mmX31mm with healed fracture
They're as healing as a practitioner, as giving as a donor.
These five Beauties are going to be available in the
shop this afternoon AND
if you enter 'BLOGLOVE'
as a coupon code when you are checking out you get free shipping:
this offer ends tomorrow at noon, my time.
Priday Plume Agate, 35mmX28mm
The offer is a token of thanks for your readership and support:
I value them both immensely!
Fine thin slice of Prudent Man Agate, 35mmX13mm - some of the best coloration I've seen yet
Today's aspirations are the making of a plum galette and
the listing of these cabochons:
if your fancy beats me to the punch, I can reserve something ahead of time for you.
They are all my favorite, truth be told:
these are a long time coming, all in various stages of polish and shape
Coyamito Agate 28mmX26mm
Some dainty, like this Coyamito, some huge like the Chapinite...
All of them fit for a collection
or a beautiful piece
Of your own stellar work.