This is what slow and diligent work looks like;
a deep intentional cut here,
a fully tooled fungi there...
my right wrist has told me very clearly it's tired of being cumulatively overused
so I began cumulatively underusing it this summer
in the hopes it would stave off more stress.
So a dream becomes a patiently crafted reality much later than my rabbit mind wants it to be
but greater things than that are running the show.
Working this way is transformative.
I have hurried so much in my life
and now to be forced to wait on things beyond my control
well, ask me on any specific day and you'll get a very specific answer.
sometimes it is very spiritual.
Sometimes there are a lot of profane words in my response.
The sum of all the chatter is that I am lucky to create
and I am lucky to wait.
In waiting I researched mushrooms and birch
and fell that much more in love with what I was capturing in leather.
In waiting I smithed which is far less tough on the wrist
and got to flesh out some ideas long held.
In waiting I sang and played with my boy
and flirted with his daddy
I painted portraits
and shooed away cats.
Sometimes I think waiting is where the magic is for the soul.
Here she is, a catalogue of my many months since the clutch was dreamed up,
colorful and resplendent with fungi and bark.
Lined with a warm and oaky green
and stitched with saffron.
Each moment in the making a lucky one,
a blessed one.
In the Leather Shop now.