On the middle finger: a ring made with love by The Noisy Plume ( http://www.thenoisyplume.etsy.com ), my ferociously feminine desert-dwelling friend, a phenom with all things silver. This is a ring that bounces between fingers and is only taken off for sleep.
On the ring finger: a gorgeous piece made by Christina Bjenning of Esmeralda Designs ( http://esmeraldadesigns.etsy.com ), with a sun on the back, and sometimes on the front depending on my mood and how obvious I want my soul to be. There are shy days, too :) Since I just received this today I have a lifetime to try out each way :)
I feel so luxurious and lucky today: what have I done to deserve such goodness in my life????
Allison ( or Sunny )
That's certainly a happy hand you have there, lucky you! I'll be sure to check those artists out, I have a birthday coming up and can certainly use a little happiness. Peace.
Thanks for this dearest friend:)
By the way, very nice work in your previous post!
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