Sometimes I like to pray over my silver work (I always do so with my leatherwork with respect to the animal involved):
to fill a piece with some sort of intention for the soul who will be wearing it....
Yesterday I finished two pieces in progress and they are most assuredly packed with pure love and a specific series of thoughts.

The first is a Sunset Trinity ring in size 6.25: it features one cabochon each of rose quartz, coral and a very rustic, irregular and gemmy slice of rhodochrosite.
The overarching theme of this piece of jewelry is flight: two seagull silhouettes fly past the clouds and into the sun. The three stones are the vibrant clouds above the shore.
As I worked, I filled my heart with thoughts of love, soaring, giddiness and total self-reliance.
The first flight of a winged soul.
Next I worked on something a bit more visceral than my usual design:

It is modeled after pictures of the human nerve, and the small circles represent red blood cells: my inspiration was the blood red Carnelian and the unusual deep red Mexican Fire Opal.
The ring fits a size 10 finger and will be discounted: there is a small scratch on the opal which I noticed before I set it: every once in a while I prefer to make something that will be more affordable simply by being imperfect: everyone should be able to put a bit of beauty on their finger.
While I made this one I pictured a more muscular striving, a sense of bad-ass-ness that comes from rising time and time again out of the ashes of despair.
It represents the inner workings of our hearts and our emotions, constantly changing and
growing supple and stout.
It is for a human Phoenix.
Both of these pieces will be in the Metal Shop today...
I don't know if I've told you lately quite how much you mean to me: the love and friendship you have shown me are so important - as I prepare to move again and delve into the loneliness that entails, I know I am never truly without friends - you are far away, yet as close as a mouse click.
Thank you for touching my life and letting me be a part of yours!
I am so moved, Allison, by your words and your art. You never cease to amaze with your brilliant and joyful spirit, and I appreciate so much, time and time again, your approach to life and art.
A (not so?) faraway friend.
Allison . . . .
That trinity ring takes me back to vacations at the beach, where the sky would light up all pink and red as the sun went down. Love them both, I do believe I'm developing a bit of a mexican fire opal obsession (I may indulge in a little retail therapy and buy myself a stone to tuck away for a rainy day).
Thinking of you as you pack up again and wishing you all the best as you and yours put down new roots once again in an effort to bloom where you are planted. Take care.
I like that you wrote this... I do a similar thing (give thanks & intention) whenever I eat meat.
my husband was peeking over my shoulder at the computer just now, saw your pink ring and said "that silver work totally reminds me of Spratling. I like it"
(that is a huge compliment, and comparison to one of the greatest contemporary master silversmiths. rock on, sister)
Lovely pieces Allison and gorgeous stones! The Mexican opal is new to me!
I the imperfect more than the perfect.
with Intention.
yes girl.
Beautiful, Allison.....words and work.
ps. If the fox fits KEEP IT! That's is one Fantastic Mr. Fox!
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