This is a ring for the regal feline that resides inside of every woman.
How aware we are of her depends on how much sex we're enjoying,
how much sensual delight we're finding
and how wild and delicious our day-to-day life is.
For most of us then, that would be in peeks and pops, Saturday nights and lingering over fries and dessert with our besties.
It's in painting and catching up, reading while we soak in warm tubs
or resting in the arms of our beloved all dewy and blushing
Then the dishes pile and the laundry is divided and we fret over
running out of daylight for tasks that multiply like rabbits
There's the breasts that engorge when we've gone too long between feedings
and the sweet potato flung on our shirts from the sneezes of a baby at lunch
(these would be mine, obviously!)
There's forgetting to wear nice underwear because we're trying to remember our names
and what we promised to whom this week that we didn't write down....
but I wear that she's there sleeping in that dry cave
licking her hungry chops
waiting for night
or the blessed day you get enough sleep to think of indulging in life's delicacies once more
For the moments you forget, consider this your reminder ring.
Australian Print Stone, sterling and fine silvers
size 9.5
One pair of conch shell and pearl magic mushroom
earrings will be heading into the shop momentarily.
My parents are here to celebrate their grandson's first year on earth
and they are napping in tandem with Orion.
The house is filled with the dreaming sighs of people I love
and I nurse my coffee and work, grateful for all of it.
A beautiful day to you, dear friends!