I am not a joiner.
It is an accurate forecast to say that I will never be part of a group, organization or gaggle in the way that others may wish to be: I am a hermit;
A loving, caring big-hearted hermit, but being secreted away with a goal or an artistic vision is one of my most favorite things in the world.
My husband and I are the same that way, and that is why our union is so blissful: we know when to give space, when to come together to discuss, celebrate or laugh.

Lapidary helps me shake off the fear that my way of living life is less than healthy:
solitary time with rocks (and Steve on Wednesdays, a bit of socializing!) makes me feel like I did when I was a kid playing with Legos, building something amazing...
I feel closer to God, who made all of these beautiful things you see in these pictures: Lucky Strike Agate from Oregon, where rock hounds go when they die.
Technically the descriptions of the colors you see can be given using molecular charts, mineral content reports and geological surveys
but you cannot tell me for one second it's not also PURE miracle.

I may never see plume agate like this again in my lifetime, though I can surely hope.
Do a google search of any kind of 'thunderegg' and you may see some prized Pridays, and surely a lot of Oregon eggs, but there may never be anything like these moss and plumes:
taken in sunlight
the slabs wet with water
a very accurate picture of what the colors will be when the rock is cabbed.
The plumes will change: grinding the edges down and doming the rock will alter the picture and bring out different colors you never thought you'd see: with every cabochon there are moments of "Darn!" and
as the picture changes from what you originally intended.
Nature is nothing if not constantly changing: why should lapidary be any different?

This is not the slab I will be cabbing first: I am not trying to throw anyone off, I just want the results to be a surprise...
this will at least help you understand why the resulting jewelry will not be a monetary 'deal' - this is the real deal stuff of legends here.

I may not be good in crowds
I may be wary of the things groups of women and men gather to discuss
and I might not be the first person to go to the mall with a friend
but I can see God in the rocks
and that makes it all feel ok.
With this post I feel compelled to ask you to support your local lapidary artists: there are so many mass-produced cabs out there on Etsy and every other conglomerate website -
it warms my heart when my fellow bloggers speak of their 'local cab supplier' or some of my dear lapidary inspirations on Etsy
... it means the hearts and hands of the men and women to whom rocks sing are
making at least part of their living from it, and that makes my soul glad.
I am so so jealous of you..I don't have anyone to learn lapidary from here in Seattle. That slab is just beautiful. Whew. Can't wait to see what you do with it!!
Oh!oh!oh! that is pure magic! You're going to do wondrous things!
Oh man! It's so cool that you'll be cabbing. It is a dream for me down the road. Can't wait to see what you do!
My hubby and I are similar in that we value our time together as well as our time apart.
Amen, sister hermit, amen. x
Yes yes I(we)=not joiners, hear hear all fellow hermits and hermitessi(so delightful to know how my favourite people are kindred spirit, it makes me just sigh with contentment)....these stones are beyond belief, the beauty and depth and absolute wonder of them made me cry a little and my heart soared whoooooooeeeeeeeee. Hope your day was special babycakes.
The slabs are beyond words! Cannot wait to see your creations!
Genie: not one person?? Oh, man - there must be a lapidary club somewhere... I'll search for you!! :)
Cat: Eeeee!!! I am so excited about this rock!
Nina: Come over here any time and learn from me!! :)
Alice : I may make a cab or two available as its own 'thing' - I'll make sure and post here on the blog before I do!! :)
I could soooo see one in your stellar work...
Jilly Bean: word :) Love you!
Tadddddyyyyy!!!! - That rock has MOJO. The day has been most inspired and quite happy, thank you, lovely!
Irina: I am too excited to start!!! :)
I am a hermit too, so nice to meet another one! The more time I have alone, the more I want! These stones are incredible.
Wow, this hits home with me. I have become a non joiner as well over the past few years. I am hit with feelings of guilt, and the "is there something wrong with me" questions and doubts.
I go through phases, and I should probably just learn to embrace the non joiner phase while it is here ;)
congrats on your anni and happy birthday! you are such an inspiration to me - thanks for your blog:)
"but I can see God in the rocks and that makes it all feel ok."
Wow, that line resonated with me. Beautiful, keep writing and creating.
Hmmmm...a GROUP of hermits???
Given enough space, is that not an intriguing concept?
Allison- those slabs are gorgeous. Mother nature's finest indeed. My favorite time of the week is when I'm hanging out at my local rock & gem club cutting rocks. Even though I can do it at home, there's something about being at the club. ;-) Love your blog & can't wait to see the magic you cut with these beauties.
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