It was a game much like any other badminton game between my sister and I: we donned our knee socks, stilettos and matching skirts and went into the backyard to play for volleys...

But then something went awry: the birdie went over the fence and names were called as to whose fault it was:

I graciously let my sister know that I thought it was her fault, practically inviting her to tea at the Queen's Palace with politeness

"One!", I replied, "Care for a scone?"

Maybe it was the way I asked, with the gravelly voice of my youth, but the corner of her mouth twitched and before I knew it we had dissolved into a fit of laughter
where moments before we were hostile...

Isn't it just like sisters to do that?
The J & A Show, 25th anniversary edition
You guys are super cute! :) Now I have a sudden urge to wear something yellow and drink high tea...hmm..;)
You just made my week. Sister sure are special (I don't know what I'd do without mine, it's just the two of us). You guys have fun this week catching up:)
I will forever think you this when I see that shade of yellow, or a badminton set... I am completely delighted at this post... and since I only have brothers, I have no idea how to cat fight AND win, you both trump in my world, I laughed for five minutes at this:)
Thank you ladies,
Hilarious...I love that shot of hair or ear pulling ...LOL
You all look like two nuts having a blast! lol!!!
I saw one of my sister this weekend and it was soooo fab!
Thanks for sharing hon! It made me smile :D
Och, you are both so lovely and hilarious!! Have a wonderful visit.
...you(s) tickled my knee socks OFF!
Slapstick comedy at its best!
2 wild and crazy girls with the same pretty smile ( from their momma! )....
sister fun is just THE BEST!....
enjoy yourselves!
ha, my word verification: UPROSES
Oh Sweet Jesus! The fierceness knows no end.
This may be my favorite. Evah.
Aw, ladies, we had so much fun!!!
Dress up is NOT just for kids :)
She left this morning and my heart is blue :( At least I recorded our time wisely ;)
this. is so. cute.
you are so different, but those matching smiles...and glasses...sigh. snort. giggle.
this is so sweet!!!
I freakin love u both!! I laughed till I cried looking at this!!! LOVED IT!!! U guys r AWESOME!!!!
Oh you girls!!!! Loved loved loved this little edition but the best was the shot of Julie calmly pushing your point finger down hahaha older sisters are the best and the bossiest!! and you both look quite fine in yellow, I must say.
hilarious... how nice your sis came in to see you for your birthday...
glad to see this worked out... i know how crazy it can get in the furious world of badminton(wow thats how you spell it??)
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