Jones was incredibly distrustful of the floor and kept making eyes at the bed like it was the source of evil.
I have been nervous and uncomfy ever since it happened.
I had a panic attack. I think it's time for some re-examination of the stark and profoundly moving idea that we are beloved grains of sand. I am an East Coast girl and I do not want to go via some pancaked building in an event that makes your heart beat like an overcharged drum machine -- I used to call my mom and say, "Wee! We had an earthquake just now -- how refreshing!" but today having heard the water sloshing in my toilets while I stood alone in my hallway without the benefit of company to make me laugh or to cling to, holding out an arm on each wall to steady myself I can safely say I've had enough.
The solace for my nerves has been my tools.
I am and have been working on a custom order that is such a lovely idea and so much fun to work on.
As I write Jones is looking at me like this:
Sleeping with one eye open. I love him so. Love my family so. Feel strangely frightened now that the "in a split second" everyone who faces tragedy has described is not so far away and that truly living for this moment is all we can do. I for one am going to eat Citron Tilapia and then go out and see the world.
Sorry so grim, I am just (literally ) shaken :)
I totally panicked, too. Juliette was sleeping in the pack-n-play at church, and I snatched her out and hovered in the doorway until it was over. I of course woke her up so she was crying the whole time. It was so frightening. I'm glad you're all okay, too.
...but not stirred:)
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