Monday, December 1, 2008


First of all, let me just preface this post with the mention of my adoration for you all. The comments ( even if there's no time to respond to everything ) make me feel like there's this amazing sisterhood out there: I feel a deep understanding between us.

Second of all, not only is Jillian a silversmith of the highest caliber, she also makes grape jelly from her own grapes. I was lucky enough to receive a parcel of it and it is HAUNTING. 
We had a grape vine in our back yard when we were children ( my sister and I ) and not only does the taste bring back vibrant memories of that wondrous and healthy time, it also makes me wonder if perhaps there is anything this woman CAN'T do. It is splendid. Times twenty. 

Third of all, I have been taking a lot of yoga lately and my very favorite part of the classes are the "OM"s. As a singer I love to find the note the instructor is singing and join them on that very lovely and deep sound. It makes something really wild happen on the top of my skull!
The first 'om' opens the class and releases me from my own self-imposed stress to practice poses and dedicate myself to my body's well-being.
The second 'om' closes the class and locks in my peace like a zip lock baggie 'locks in freshness'.
Here is my silver dedication to that wondrous word.

1 comment:

Dave Schipper said...

So this is where all the blogs went... ;-)

I was cruising around your etsy site, thinking about buying something hand made for Lori this year, and found out you had a blogspot. I recently took it up too... I was having a hard time finding new readers in the MySpace one.

So can a brother join the sisterhood of commentors?