Thursday, July 9, 2009


Normally I things asymmetrical, but this week I have had a hankering for neatly wrapped rectangles, squares and gently rounded edges.
I have a very meaningful piece for you today, and a kicky, sexy one!

First, the light:

The Tiger Grrrl Necklace

Set in a very mod cut of sterling, this Australian Print Stone just made me think of tigers and sensuality, hence the "grrr" - I actually laughed out loud several times while I was making it, with no witnesses other than my thriving tomatoes to notice that my job brings me joy.

This will be in the Metal Shop this evening.
It is for a woman with a delicious sensual side and sense of humor!

The second piece is full of meaning, and my breath caught in my throat a few times while I was making it. This was a day full of duality in my studio.

We have a tendency to look on hard times as something we wish to pass over and the good times we wish to hold tight to....
The truth is that both the high and low points shall pass.
The stone I used in this piece is an incredible porcelain jasper that looks very much like mountains in the distance in an old, cracked photograph.
Isn't the earth amazing?

Are you going through something hard?
It shall pass.

Something amazing?
This too shall pass.

Love every moment as best you can with a tender, open heart, for all they all hold the promise of becoming memories and lessons.

This piece will be in the Metal Shop this evening as well.
It is for a sensitive and special woman.

Tonight I am taking my Schmilly on a date to a fabu restaurant after a good run - for the next few days I'll be laying a bit low: don't want to burn out - this week has been rich in creativity - it's time to be rich in recharging!


Jessie in Chicago said...

damn - you are on a roll with these pieces. So bummed the tiger got snapped up!

Allisunny S. said...

Jessie, doll - I still have its twin piece, if you want to snap it up :)

susie said...

The "Grrr" made me smile. To be able to evoke a feeling with a creative outlet is a wonderful thing. Recharge, relax. Its been two weeks since I sat at my bench, maybe this weekend...

The Noisy Plume said...

Well THANK GOD it's going to pass.
I'm having it heaped on me, especially in the last 24 hours.
Thanks for the encouragement babe.

Amanda said...

You're on fire- both of these pieces are stunning. I immediately went to your shop to buy one of them but someone beat me to 'em. Sigh. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!