Thursday, January 24, 2013

Creative Reset Day Twelve: Grace.

As I practically placed my baby on the counter at the post office this morning
the clerk who knows me asked, "Hands full, huh?"
and I muttered something about forgetting Orion's carrier,
which I had.

It was raining and we were damp, I could barely see straight through the fog of fatigue from last night's sleeplessness: three new teeth in one week.

I found myself at a point of 'done'ness this morning that I am not sure I've ever arrived at before,
past the possible deliciousness of emotional drama where we rise and fall and chuckle over the tears with a good friend who assures us we're sane and in good company.

Just tired to to bone
and miles to go before I sleep.

I thought of the friend I visited the day before at her gorgeous home in San Mateo, nestled high in the wild hills.
On the surface two beautiful children and an idyllic setting: in her heart a deep loneliness and stoic set of a woman who knows she's in for spirit's turn through winter.

I think of people with real plights
in danger
lives at stake
turmoil so physical it cuts

and feel guilty for needing grace in my place of privilege:
an exhausted mama running a business and a home.


**Magic Mushroom Earrings in Marigold 

I believe that we all deserve grace,
that at our low points there is a benevolent force that liberates our peace and
hands it back to us gently in a big warm palm that smells like sandalwood and pine.

For me that moment came this evening when I came out of the studio to send our babysitter home
and Orion looked at me and said "Iiiiii!!!", which is his new version of 'hi'.
His smile was so joyous and his pleasure at seeing me so great
that my heart felt born again,
at least to this lost day.


**Magic Mushroom Earrings in Gnome Red 

As much as we receive grace I think it is of the utmost importance that we give it as well.
Everyone is struggling with something:
set aside your wronged pride and find tenderness
tucked somewhere safe from the ego's prying eyes
and hand it to another.

Only good can come of your generous heart.
Remember: there is enough ___________ for all of us.

Your daily mission:
give grace.

Reach out to someone who didn't deserve to be touched yesterday. Find them worthy today.

Write about how it feels to let go of your righteous indignation.


** to reserve either pair of mushroom earrings write to me 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

**Everyone is struggling with something:
set aside your wronged pride and find tenderness
tucked somewhere safe from the ego's prying eyes
and hand it to another.**

oh my gosh! such a powerful and beautiful statement! yes, tenderness is so important. it feels wonderful when someone bestows that gift upon us, and more wonderful still when we willingly gift it to another.

thank you for all of the thought and effort you are putting in on this *creative reset*. it is appreciated.