Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh Noes!!

My Mac made a funny popping noise (like bubble wrap in your fingers) as I was shutting it down for the night yesterday - Anthony did some gumshoe work only to discover -
My battery exploded!!!
Upon further research I learned just how very, very very lucky I am: some batteries catch on fire and mess up more than even just the computer.
Needless to say, things will be a bit quiet around here until the Mac Doctor gives us a clean bill of health.
Doh!!!!! I think I have been getting little messages to slow down and it also helps me realize that I am hopelessly addicted to the internet... it should be good to be away.
Sighing and smiling and off to tool some really lovely things for the leather shop!!


susie said...

A sure sign that you have been prolific, when you literally explode your battery (must be all those lovely pictures). Can't wait to see the new leather pieces. I'm hoping to fit in some time at the bench tonight (if the kiddies allow it).

We got a wonderful message from the cosmos today that ended up putting us in touch with an old friend (I blogged all about it). Have a good one- we're off to the pool!

Corinna said...

Perhaps this unfortunate disconnect will make space for a serendipitous reconnect. Looking forward to new gems in the shops!

Jessie in Chicago said...

that's crazy! are you one of those folks who just leaves the computer up and running all the time, even when you're not there? I've never heard of this battery thing happening..