Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Little Something for your Chakras

I do Hatha Yoga two-three times a week and I can tell you with conviction and gratitude that it is life-changing. That being said, I think anything we put ourselves into with devotion and discipline is life-changing. 

I think the key is committing to something, be it love, service, health or the betterment of people, places or animals.

This week I was overcome with thoughts about our chakras, those spinning energy centers in our energetic body that serve as gateways to our highest good and are to be protected and nourished by us - I wanted to make some pieces specifically for the chakras.

I know there are seven, but I chose a few that seem to give people the most pause: specifically the Heart chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra and the ever-important Throat chakra.

The color for the solar plexus chakra is yellow and so I chose a stunning Mexican Jelly Opal that has both elements of yellow and orange: it is luminous!

It is a boundary necklace on a really luxe chain that is a series of sterling four-leafed clovers liked together - it is 21 inches long and meant to be long enough to give the sense of reaching to your belly. At the back of the neck where it fastens is a little tag that reads
"Guided & Protected"

This is one of the most important chakras to be protected: its function is will, its innate states are joy, laughter and anger and when in balance it allows you to better use your intuition, eases tension and calms emotion and frustration.

The next chakra north is the heart chakra, the center of compassion and love. Balancing this chakra is essential for the circulatory system and the human heart. When everything is in balance it affects everything from love to a sense of universal oneness.

The stone I used for this particular piece is a gemmy piece of chrysoprase in a watery green: just lovely. It hangs at 18 inches and can be worn with the opal boundary necklace or on its own.

For the fifth chakra, the Throat chakra, I chose a ring with a rather dramatic piece of blue calcite as the centerpiece. This chakra's function is communication and creativity.
When in balance it positively affects our speech and interpersonal relationships.

As silly as it sounds, I made the ring in a shape that is conducive to being placed in the throat hollow: the shape seems to be perfect for it! I imagined the wearer having a hard time speaking about something important and taking a moment of privacy, placing her hand at the base of her throat with the stone in the beautiful hollow and breathing in the healing power of the stone.

I know that everyone has their belief systems and this has been where my meandering path has taken me: in my estimation, we are all spiritual and energetic beings in a meat suit :)

The pieces will be in the shop this afternoon or evening - thank you for taking the time to read this and visit with me on this fine day!


InkyTonka said...

I adore the sweeping tendrils of silver in each of those pieces. They look like arms reaching out for a hug. I'd imagine that just by wearing them a person truly would feel safe and loved!


Michelle said...

I've completely renewed my dedication to yoga and it feels amazing. It's been 8 years of practice and it feels like coming home everytime I step into Mountain Pose to begin.

And it doesn't sound silly at all. Sometimes I rub my rings/pendants on my face just for the connection and feeling. :)

MrsLittleJeans said...


Taddyporter said...

meat suit ha!!!! you are too clever prettylady and splendiferous chakra-enhancing jewels you have got there, gorgeousness all around!

p.s.Rowdy is on food strike and will only eat cookies! tough love I tell you...

sfauthor said...

Lovely pieces! Do you know about these chakra books?

Allisunny S. said...

Inky - indeed, a silver hug :) (sending you a non-silvery one!)

Michelle - that's so nice to know I am not the only one regarding the stones being used for healing - and yoga, oh yes yoga. It is a great joy in my life, too :)

MLJ: Thanks! :)

Taddy of my Heart: with cookies like you make? Heck - I'll join Rowdy in his strike!!! Moar cookiez, pls!!!! ;)

sfauthor: oh thank you so much for a wealth of information!!!

Brooke Arin Medlin said...

I love them! And I love this post.