Monday, March 16, 2009

Shop Closure Dates and Info

I am exhausted in the best and worst ways : I know they say that God doesn't give you more than you can handle - I suppose I have the fortitude to handle a lot of things: the sad goodbyes looming, the amazing rush of business in my lovely Metal Shop and the business of getting taxes together and packing to move. Wow!!! That's a lotta stuff, I tell ya!

Here are some dates for your information: I am full up for custom orders currently, so no more of those until I am sufficiently unpacked and ready to rumble. In fact, I already have a list of After Move custom orders, so the wait time is growing quite a bit.

The studio officially closes on the 25th, with the last orders shipping on the 26th of March. The re-opening will be determined: looking quite a bit like the 5th or 6th of April.

Once the studios re-open I will be shifting some things around, like times of response ( I will try try try not to work Sundays!! ) and days I ship: lately it has been every single day, but after this closure it will be three days per week: likely Monday, Wednesday Friday: that feels orderly and good. 

On the non-informational side, my heart is overflowing with gratitude and love for all of you: for reading, for responding, for purchasing my beloved stones and patiently crafted leatherwork... You move me to create as much as Divine Spark does. Seeing pictures of your faces and knowing your lives has been such an honor, and lately I feel especially supported by your kind convos and comments and encouragement in this move:

You make me feel like the right things are happening. I count you all as friends.


P.S. Tomorrow I will be getting a mud wrap and massage all day at Burke Williams and will likely not write or be able to respond to convos. I will raise a toast of gratitude to you with my cup full of melon-infused water :)


susie said...

Enjoy tomorrow - I really love the cross and the new jewerly from the weekends. I wore my leather peacock necklace today and received four compliments - you rock!

Elaine said...

Good luck with the move, settling in and exploring Sonoma County (especially Sebastiani Vineyards if you enjoy vino)!

Liz said...

Melon infused water sounds so refreshing and summery which it is decidely NOT where I am...

Enjoy tomorrow and hope you can enjoy all of the parts of this move. I hate moving - I just want to be settled, but the last 2 times I moved, I took enough days to allow myself to do it and it was a bit more fun.

Whatever makes it the most enjoyable for you, I hope you can do it that way.

Best, best wishes and so looking forward to seeing what comes out of a Petaluma studio.

Dave Schipper said...

That's more like it... massage, create space, move and start over.... we'll be here when you are back.

Luv you kid..... enjoy your journey.
