Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random Blossoming

A new design idea is in the works here at Sunny Studios.... Oh my, am I excited to get in there and smith away tomorrow morning. The little sterling droplets I made for the fear monster necklace got me thinking....

and drilling on my hands and knees with the Dremel.... my kingdom for a drill press and the space to accommodate it accordingly!!!

For the last 8 hours I have been tooling, and let me tell you - tooling for eight straight hours hurts really badly, but the yield has been tremendous and there is a shop that needs refilling and Kpoene over at MocFa needs a shop refill, too, so a' tooling I went.

Tomorrow every piece gets painted and made into its most glamorous self with chain and stones. The big piece of leather you see in the background? That's going to be a clutch rich with big, blossoming roses.

Speaking of blossoming, my backyard neighbor moved to Palm Desert and when he left he bequeathed to me the grill, the compost pile and two citrus trees:


Meyer Lemon (oh the lemonade we'll make!!)

With the mint that has been taking over the oregano and the parsley my Mom and I (she visits for a whole week in about a week from now!) will make Mint Jelly. Capitalized!!
I don't know what I'll use mine for as I don't eat lamb or beef, but I'll find something I'm sure!

Lastly, isn't this stone gorgeous? I think it might factor into my new design... dropped from heaven by an angel it was.

Amethyst Sage. Sigh.

Hope your days find you happy, warm and well-fed.
Off to the farmer's market to meet Liane and little Mr. Seamus, visiting up from Los Angeles!


susie said...

your creativity seems to be bubbling over in the most wonderful way.

Anonymous said...

You are a lucky girl with those oranges and lemons to be.

Tooling hurts more than smithing, then? Is it the amount of force needed?

Dave Schipper said...

Beautiful kid as usual...

Good Girls Studio said...

you are one busy bee! I wish I had 1/2 your energy!

Kiki said...

What a wonderful potpourri of possibilities!

Allisunny S. said...

Thanks, all!!! Liz - tooling takes a lot of repetetive shoulder motions in my right arm and a smooth steadiness in my left. Massage therapists often remark that my right side is waaaay more tense than my left- and there is a lot of force involved sometimes! Isn't that interesting?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is so interesting to hear/see how art is made. Repetitive motion is always a killer. Take care of that shoulder!