Today Heaven received a new angel, one with tremendous wit and incredible determination to eradicate the very disease which consumed her.
She was an advocate for cancer survivors and anyone struggling with the dreaded disease from the inside or trying to understand from the sidelines.... we met online and I made necklaces for her cause, for one of many Leukemia walks. Her five year old daughter Zoe insisted on my tunes in the car stereo and Deb said it gave her the greatest pleasure to comply.
It gave me the greatest pleasure simply knowing someone who fought with such determination, wit and tremendous compassion for others. Her catch phrase was "I can do this" and then she would give lists of reasons why. A list of things to be grateful for: people, food, ideas and music.
Deb gave an assignment with most of her posts; simple things like remembering to see the divine in the daily and to hug your mom. Often her benevolent homework made you still your mind for a moment and be grateful for whatever version of normal you were experiencing.
She was sarcastic.
She was screamingly funny.
She was an enemy of cancer cells everywhere, voicing her precisely aimed venom when another of her circle of survivors fell.
She was human and fallible and you and me, like all of us are: each other.
Deb, if you can read this from where you are, your assignment tonight is to breathe in the tremendous amount of love radiating up to you from all of us who were lucky enough to feel your too-brief and fabulously bright light.
I know you can do this.
I am sure she hears you and smiles, remember she had you too, as a friend. Now is the time for you to hold her ideas close.
All the best,
love to you and to this lady (whom i've never met)'s family. cancer sucks. i just lost an auntie/friend/mentor to breast cancer just after christmas. this was a really lovely memorial.
Lovely tribute.
"I can do this" - such a good thing to remember. And also that all our words and actions impact those around us - so we should consider what kind of footprints we are leaving...I'm writing this for me :)!
This is such a beautiful tribute.
I'm sure she's looking down on you.
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